Africa / Christianity / God-sized dream / missions / orphans / Prayer / provision / purpose

A Little Girl and a God-Sized Dream {Part 2–an update}


My little girl has a dream to rescue orphans, hold babies and give hope to the hopeless. I love her heart. She is so compassionate, giving and caring. She spent this week making jewelry to sell to benefit the orphans and she is planning bake sales to raise money.

If you have read my last posts, you would know that my daughter has been asking us to take her to hold orphan babies in Africa for two years. These last few months, my husband and I started praying and asking the Lord if just maybe this could be Him? 

A couple of weeks ago my friend sent me a video from an orphanage in Nairobi with whom we’ve had relationship for many years. They are caring for newborn HIV positive infants, most of whom have been abandoned as newborns in gutters, fields and garbage piles. My daughter and oldest son watched the video over and over and over again.  

I could see their little hearts break for these children a world away.

As I watched them, my heart felt moved. My heart breaks too.

Last week, I emailed a friend in Nairobi, a missionary with her husband and kids, asking her if we could possibly come visit them and go hold babies at this orphanage which she knows well. She blessed me and said they’d love to have us come and also informed me that as much as she loves the orphanage we want to visit, she would like to tell me about a couple of other orphanages that have an even GREATER need for volunteers to come hold and love their babies. The need is so overwhelming.

Over 300 newborn babies are abandoned every day in Kenya.

She told me about how many people have contacted her recently telling her that their young children are carrying a burden for orphans in Africa and want to help.

She told me, “Sometimes if adults aren’t willing to listen, God will speak to children.” Isn’t that the truth? Out of the mouth of babes, many of us adults are praying about giving our time and hearts and resources to a foreign mission field because God started speaking through our children.

So, my husband and I are praying. I’ve also asked begged my husband to pray about coming. I feel like the Lord is up to something new in our lives and stirring our hearts in a fresh way. Could this be part of it? 

It is also scary. We are in full time ministry. Our income is limited, we aren’t independently wealthy and we don’t just have an extra $4500 lying around in our personal funds to take a trip around the world. We need God to provide miraculously. Our lives are a faith walk and this would be no exception. I just keep thinking that going is more than just to fulfill a dream in my daughter. It’s been a longing in my heart and I feel like may even be significant trip for my husband and our family. I’m not sure how the Lord might weave it into the fabric of our calling, but something deep inside of me feels the Holy Spirit stirring up faith, expectation and anticipation as we pray.

So, pray with me? That God would provide. For miracles, signs and wonders. For Him to really speak clearly to us in order to take the next step forward in this God-sized dream for my daughter….and for me.

Lastly, this week my Isaac and I celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary. So blessed for an amazing husband, for a best friend to do life with through ups and downs and for this man of integrity whose purpose in life is to preach the Gospel, extend His kingdom and to love His family well through it all. My partner and greatest cheer leader in child-raising, ministry and life.

Love you Isaac.

Linked up over here today.

Photo credit 2. Photo Credit 3.

37 thoughts on “A Little Girl and a God-Sized Dream {Part 2–an update}

  1. Kirsten,
    Thank you for your visit to my blog! I will be praying for your God Sized Dream too…what a great one! I have done mission work back in high school to Mexico, and at the time my parents could not afford the trip fees. Thankfully a wealthy man in our church sponsored my way. He was elderly and could not go, but he wanted to support the mission…sharing God’s love. I know God will provide a way for your family to make it to Africa if that is something God wants too…be patient, pray hard, and know that anything can happen! We are truly blessed to live in a country of such resources, health, and abundance. Hug your littles and pray for God to continue speaking to their hearts and dreams. Jennifer

    • Thank you for stopping by mine! Yes and Amen! I have also been on many mission trips….but so different when it was just me! Multiple tickets…yes, this must be the Lord’s provision for us to be able to go. Thank you for the encouragement and prayers. I appreciate it so much!

  2. We went in April to Guatemala to hold orphans… my husband, my two teen daughters and I…. It cost $4,000 and we didn’t have that in savings. At first, I thought only God was saying “Go with your daughters”, but it turned out my husband felt called, too. So, we sent out a letter of request and then, people fell over themselves to give to us…. amazing, humbling, so effortless. All the funding came in. The trip is over, but the impact is just starting, and now I want to tell everyone “GO AS A FAMILY on a missions trip”. I “stumbled” on your post today while grazing for good theme ideas for an additional blog 🙂

    • Ok….that encourages me so so so so much. I have ALWAYS had a heart for the mission field and have been on many missions trips, but I’ve always wanted to take my kids and go as a family. I probably wouldn’t be considering it THIS young if my daughter wasn’t so passionate about it (and really, that is the Lord because the stuff she comes up with is not all from me). I trust God to provide, but of course, it’s a big endeavor financially. I love your encouraging story. I’d love to hear more about your mission trip. Did you post any of it on your blog? If not, I’d love to connect on email to hear more about it! Blessings to you and thank you SO much for dropping by.

  3. Wow. I just love reading about how God is moving in your life. Isn’t it funny that He works through children when we aren’t as good about listening as we could be? I will pray for your trip, and the orphans who would be blessed by your physical presence and your faith.

    Congratulations on your anniversary, too!

    • I appreciate that so much! Thank you so much for your prayers. Yes, God is faithful to speak no matter what. We are still praying about going, so no plans are finalized, but we are REALLy praying, if you know what I mean. Thank you SO much for dropping by!

  4. Oh, friend, this broke me and filled my heart to overflowing all at the same time. What a precious heart God has given your daughter…and the fact that you and your husband are open to what God has for you in all of this is awesome. He’s going to move so BIG…please keep us updated because I can’t wait to see what He’s going to do! Prayers that He will provide over and above what you can even ask or think. Many blessings to you and your family as you trust Him to lead you!

    • Thank you!! I know…I live her heart. Your words bless me today! So excited to see what unfolds for you guys as well…..this faith walk is so exciting! Thank you for encouraging me. Yes, God is our provider and He so DOES go above and beyond what we ask think or imagine!

  5. This entire post stirs my heart! As I prepare to fly out to Africa soon, I cannot explain the joy, peace and overwhelming strength I feel when I think about the incredible adventure God has in store! When I hear of others having the same focus it encourages me that I am not alone and the promise that God will speak if we are only willing to listen. What a powerful desire your daughter has and there is no doubting that God has placed His dream in her heart. My prayers are with you as decisions are needing to be made. God is the ultimate Decision Maker which allows us to trust without striving to come to a decision ourselves. Our God will get the goal accomplished through your family, I know. I trust Him because through it all, He has been more than worth it!
    Blessings on your journey and great post as always! 🙂

    • Yes, God is the ultimate Decision Maker, the Waymaker, the Provider, etc. No place better to be than in His will. I love that you are going to Africa this summer….Uganda, right? I hope you stay in touch until you go and after. I’d love to stay up to date on what you are doing there. So excited for you….and will be praying for you. What will you be doing while you’re there? God is so faithful….even faithful when we’re not. Blessings to you and so glad this blesses you, friend. You bless me!

      • Yes indeed! His ways are always the most fulfilling ways! Yes, I will be going to Uganda. My excitement is building! I am traveling there with an organization and will be spending time in orphanages, hospitals, attending well dedications as well as feeding widows and orphans in the area. I just feel like God is going to do amazing things there as well as when I return. I hope to make this my first trip of many or better yet, to see what God’s dream is for me there. In reading Holley Gerth’s book, it has really resonated with me the fact that my God-sized dream is uniquely my own that God has placed within me and I can’t wait to see His dream lived out in my life! Thank you so much for your prayers and support! I appreciate it so much and I will definitely be keeping in touch with you. Praying for you and your family!

      • Thank you so much! So looking forward to staying in touch and seeing how God uses you powerfully in Uganda and beyond to touch so many lives! All for His glory, Kirsten

  6. I love your post and your little girl’s heart. 7 1/2 years ago, our family grew from 5 to 7 when we brought home our two daughters from Haiti. We too, had God speak through a child to fulfill his purposes.

    Despite our decision to stop our family at three kids, I began to feel a powerful, consistent burden from God that we were to adopt. When I presented it to my husband, he wasn’t receptive, so I simply returned to prayer. Several months later, I sent my husband to awaken our then 5-year-old daughter for the day. When they didn’t come to breakfast right away, I went to check on them. I found him kneeling beside her bed as she was telling him all about how she had “seen her sisters in her dream”. It turned his heart.

    We didn’t know until later that her dream coincided pretty closely in time with the moment our youngest daughter was born in Haiti. It was late fall, and we decided we would file adoption papers with an agency at the first of the new year. We thought that was our idea, but we were wrong. It was God’s. We discovered later that the day we filed our paperwork was the day before tragedy struck two little girls in Haiti, two little girls who were suddenly in need of a family, two little girls God knew would be ours from before the beginning of time.

    It took two years to bring them home, but it was a journey God powerfully began with the heart of a blonde, blue-eyed little girl in Tennessee.

    Christ’s Peace to you and yours…

    • That is an amazing story. Wow!! Love how God knows our heart and hears our prayers! What a blessing you have with those sweet children. I’ve heard stories like that from Haiti….but I’ve heard some that weren’t able to complete the process after the earthquake and are still hoping for their adoptive children in Haiti to come home to a forever home with them. What a miracle. Blessings!

    • I forgot to say also how amazing that God spoke through your daughter to your husband. God really does speak through children. The same Holy Spirit that speaks to us speaks to them.

  7. Pingback: God-sized Dreams: A Work in Progress | Encouragement For Every Day

  8. Praise God! Lord, I ask you to please grant this little girl the desire of her heart: to go shower your love on babies who have been abandoned. Make a way! Father, please give this gift to your beloved daughter and her family. Bring provision. Direct their steps. All for your glory and purpose! In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

  9. OH wow! So amazing to hear about your family’s God Sized Dream. Breaks my heart there are so many babies that need a family to care for them. I’m amazed at your daughter’s heart for them and the things she has done to raise money, truly incredible. Praying God will give you clear wisdom and discernment and a miracle for the funds!

  10. praying for you…its amazing how God can provide all that we need!! Me and my husband moved to Africa when we were first married, we booked the flights in faith and had NO money to pay for them..the day before we had to pay we got a call from an anonymous person donating the entire $6000 that we needed for our flights! God provides in ways we cannot even imagine!

    • That is such an encouraging testimony. I’ve had some pretty miraculous provision happen as we’ve stepped out in faith at different times, and I never stop getting encouraged by testimonies like that. It builds faith! Thank you for sharing that!! Jehovah Jirah…God our Provider. Your words bless me. Where did you go? How long were you there? What did you do while you were there? I would love to hear about it! Blessings to you!!

  11. We were in Uganda, working in a children’s home with a bunch of the most gorgeous children! We lived there for a year and it was a great adventure!! We don’t work with the organization we were with now, but in that year God filled my heart with compassion and put a dream deep in my heart to help and love people in the most distant of places. I hid the dream away in my heart, praying lots, for the next 5 years while we had our family and through a divine encounter and more provision from Jehovah Jirah..last year traveled to remote central India to meet the most amazing local church..we now have partnered with them, formed an NGO and as of tomorrow are taking education into villages that previously have had nothing. Its amazing to see how God uses us, and that is the beauty of yourself and your daughters dream, God will use it, he will provide a way and if we are willing he will lead us on the most crazy of adventures – not that we are not on one now, I believe when we follow God our life is a faith adventure, and who knows what God has in store!!!!

    • Wow! Yes and amen! I love your heart. Amazing story. God is so faithful and this life of faith is such an adventure. I am so looking forward to see how God continues to use you there and beyond. So encouraging. Will be praying for you!!

  12. I will be praying!! I can speak from experience God will provide everything you need for your mission if He is calling you!!! It will test you and be very powerful and humbling in Your walk! This is so awesome!! It reminds me of when my husband and I were first deciding to go to Myanmar on a mission trip. I was full force in and my hubby was patiently waiting on God to guide. We balance each other well! Such a wonderful time in our lives!! Can’t wait to hear more on this 🙂

    • I so appreciate your prayers. Yes and amen to all of it. God is such a faithful provider. I’m also excited to see how it all works out. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Look forward to connecting more!! Blessings to you!

  13. Pingback: Let Down Your Nets–How daily obedience can help you find your calling | godschick

  14. Pingback: Fire Over Africa | godschick

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